About MOE

Ever felt the agony of planning a trip?

The time when you don’t know where to start and even worse, where to end? We feel ya!

Ever taken a frugal vacation because #budgettravel?

But realized that you gave up on convenience and more importantly, TIME. But TIME is MONEY too, right?

Ever traveled to a place only to see it’s not as great as you saw it on Instagram?

Social media can be deceiving with its pretty pictures. We've fallen prey to those in our early days of travel.

Mad Over Exploring (MOE) is a practical guide to help you #TravelSmart while you #ExploreAmerica!

It is a resource for that average working American who has limited holidays to travel the country and hence wants to get the most out of it.

So, what is MOE all about?

  • It is about sharing optimized itineraries, insights, pro-tips, and hacks about destinations that are really worth visiting. We thoroughly enjoy the process of researching destinations and preparing efficient plans and we would love for you to utilize them too.
  • It is about sharing unique experiences that will bring you an extra step closer to the spirit of the destination.
  • It is about leveraging technology to plan and enjoy the best vacations. We are tech savvy and we use apps and gadgets whenever possible in all phases of our travel. Can’t wait to share them all with you.

And, what is MOE not about?

  • It is not a canvas where we paint a picture of how ‘perfect’ travelers we are . We learn with every journey we tread and wouldn’t want you to make the same mistakes we made.
  • You will not see random pop-ups and advertising banners on this website. We want it to be a clean resource that you can access and plan that next big trip.

About Us

We are Chaitra and Sunkist and we are the creators of MOE. No, we haven’t sold all our belongings and ditched our 9 to 5 jobs for an expedition around the world. In fact, we are just like you. We have a weekday job and only 20 days of vacation time in a year. We are economical but we also want quality experiences in a variety of destinations. Over the last few years, we have learned to #TravelSmart while we #ExploreAmerica and we simply want to pass our tips, itineraries, and stories to you. Are we clicking already? Well, then what are you waiting for?

Let's Get Started